
XAAR company went to Haimeisi technology for technology exchange

Press time:2015-08-07 Source: 【 Font:Large Moderate Small


    XAAR company as a global basis, independent developers of inkjet technology, which provides digital ceramic printing nozzle has been praised by the industry. XAAR Xaar printhead Xaar 1001/1002 introduced the use TIF Technology ™ print head technology, the reliability of the inkjet important step forward, and confirmed the XAAR market position in digital inkjet printing innovation. And as the world's ceramic digital printing industry to create integrated solutions, leader Kailajiete KERAjet as committed to promoting global ceramics to enhance their productivity and create a more valuable quality products. Based on the authority of the two companies in the industry, professional communication through early contributed to the rare in-house training.

    June 23,XAAR technical sales engineer from Hong Kong arrived at the export processing zones in Quanzhou Haimeisi Technology Building, and the company's internal technical and sales staff training exchanges. The main content of around 1001 and 1002 both introduce XAAR nozzle technology principle characteristics and use them for training problems. Highlights XAAR waveform files and operating parameters and each mode of operation requires a specific waveform file operations; pressure nozzle temperature of the ink, and the ink supply path print temperature inside. Problems with the actual use cases technical analysis and our technical staff proposed answers. In less than two hours of training in communication allow the company to benefit colleagues.

    The next day the XAAR engineers and Haimeisi's technicians went to the factory test nozzle pressure and temperature parameters. After nozzle pressure and temperature data tests KERAjet run are better than industry standards. All products are compatible with equipment now KERAjet adapt Xaar printheads, and achieved good operating results. Hoi Mei Andean Technology invite XAAR training in a more timely and more quickly resolve customer sales issues, to better serve our ceramic production enterprises, improve their service quality.

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